Friday, February 11, 2011

new wall art & other knicks knacks

Have I mentioned that we've got some sort of a new wall art?
Well, we do, and we are loving it to pieces. Just take a look at it:

Our New Wall Art
Why it's Kecil's art's and craft results from Skool, of course! Isn't it exciting?
Kecil has been coming home with the occasional pieces of art that she did in Skool.
And we love it!

From the artless, full to the brim enthusiasm to tell Daddy about her latest work,
To the careful effort to declare her work (me thinks Yellow is her current favorite color, currently pronounced as Lolo)
To the careless abandon with which she threw the said object all over the house once she was done showing off and declaring the piece. Ahem.
Which brought us, of course, to the point of the wall art, to save those precious pieces,
At least until we found better ways to keep them.

For those of you who might fret 'so little after so many weeks in skool?', fret not.
She has quite a few, just not all convenient pieces to be pasted as wall art.
Such as this one:

"Lolo" octopus made of kitchen towel roll
(You can see one of my favorite photo of the artist behind the "Lolo" octopus)

Then there are also these:

Alligator (?) and pasta necklace
Kecil actually came home that day wearing the pasta necklace. I love it!

We do realize that Kecil actually starts school earlier than both her parents, but I think she enjoys it, and we are happy with that.
And all these real, tangible result of her doings in school? Icing on the cake!
We are happy with the Skool, and we hope that Kecil will continue to grow and enjoy herself in the Skool.

We are very sure that she has already benefited from her schooling. Just look at the latest thing she did to her poor Minnie:

Drawing on Minnie's shoes?
Ahem, we are not blaming the Skool for this. We consider this as... ahem, positive influence. Ya?

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