Here are some of the resources that this Mama had used to build this blog.
We hope you'll benefit from it, and if you'd like to share your work, feel free to share the link in the comments below!
Nikon D7000 (main camera, circa Jan 2011)
Samsung D900 cameraphone
Nokia E63 cameraphone
Nikon Coolpix 4300 (borrowed from Daddy)
Konica Minolta DiMAGE X50 (circa Jan 2005, expired since Aug 2010. It is still sadly missed)
Blogging Resource
Blogging platform: Blogger (free)
With templates customized from basic templates offered within Blogger
Widgets (plug-ins)
Image Management
In house photo management: iPhoto '08 (version 7.1.5)
Online storage: Picasa Web Albums
Photo editing: native iPhoto editing tools and Picnik
Any additional how to: Google
HTML/CSS (still in progress of learning, in baby steps): W3Schools
Extensive reading list on Google reader
This list is nowhere near complete, but it's a start. If you'd like to find out more, feel free to use the comment section or drop Mama a line at